01 November 2008

"Saturday" night

11/1/08, 10:30 am BT
Oops – the time difference is suddenly kicking my butt. I rolled around and watched TV until 5 am local time (that’s 10 pm at home) until I finally got to sleep. Woke up just in time for some coffee and a quick check online before heading out to find some money at the Citibank nearby (tried to use the ATM last night, but couldn’t get it to talk to me in English, no matter how many buttons I pressed!), go work out again, and then walk around finally, take some pictures and go to the Women’s Craft Show.
When the ATM excursion failed, I became a bit cowed (can’t work a simple ATM?!?). And now I didn’t have money, so going out wasn’t really an option (not a lot of tip money), even though I was all dressed up. So, first a walk in the souk (the down-and-dirty shopping area). I probably should not have made my first excursion into the souk at night. I was the ONLY woman I saw, so it was a bit weird. Lots of people walking, many stores open (some not – Friday is a day of prayer), lots of street vendors. Didn’t buy anything, of course. So then, into the lounge again – lots of nice conversation with the gentlemen there. I do believe the young pup from Pakistan was inviting me out to a club and their big weekend party (they tell me 58 different nationalities are represented at one of these things!), but I wasn’t quite with-it enough to understand that until it was too late to accept! Duh.
The photo is of the Bahrainian World Trade Center – two towers, 50 stories high, partially energized by three wind turbines built into the design. Cool! (The closer photo shows the window washer rig for scale. It's on the larger image too!)

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